Northern Cape

Tankwa Camino

How it all started… Founder, Danie Pieterse, had a dream to one day walk from his grandfather Jan Pieterse’s grave in the Tankwa Karoo, to his other grandfather’s grave in Rawsonville. Danie shared this idea […]

5-Day Hikes

The Oystercatcher Trail

The Oystercatcher Trail, named after the vulnerable African Black Oystercatcher that is prevalent along the route, is a five-day guided hike along the southern east coast of South Africa, starting in Mossel Bay and ending […]

Drakensberg Passes

Drakensberg Passes | Cockade Pass

Pass name: Cockade Pass Region: Cathedral Peak, Northern Drakensberg Distance: Approximately 30km / 3 days Difficulty: Difficult Scenery: 4/5 Route type: Technical wilderness hike – part walking trail, part scrambling Introduction Cockade Pass is a […]