The Diamond Coast Hiking Trail is a 3-day slackpacking hike of approximately 50km that meanders along what is known as the Diamond Coast, from south to north, between private mining settlements of Koingnaas and Kleinzee in Namaqualand in the Northern Cape.
Beauty: 4/5
Difficulty (fitness): 7-8/10
Technical rating of trail: Mostly off-trail beach and dune walking interspersed with some rocky sections, sandy jeep tracks and low shrubs.
Distance: Roughly 50km over 3-days
Apart from its pristine natural beauty, this area is also rich in history. Our guide, Rodwell, was a wealth of knowledge which complimented the entire walking experience.
Kleinzee, an old diamond mining town, was subject to extremely strict security measures and only after De Beers had left the area, did public access become more commonplace.
Because this area was protected for so long there is a fair amount of wildlife roaming freely. Even now, access is restricted to permit holders and one has to be accompanied by a guide.
The coastline is littered with old shipwrecks which conjure up wild and scary thoughts when staring out at the powerful crashing waves of the icy Atlantic.
Hikers are led across yellow sand dunes, along stretches of pristine coastline, as well as inland through open veld. There are no particularly technical sections on the trail, but the combination of soft sand underfoot and lack of shade does take its toll and therefore this trail is not recommended for beginner hikers. Hikers need to reasonably fit and fairly self-sufficient.
Hiking along the Diamond Coast is a unique experience and I would definitely recommend this to all experienced hikers.
Trail Details
- Guided – FGASA Level I, Marine Level I, First Aid Level III, DEAT accredited guide.
- Three day, self catering.
- Physical fitness is essential: soft sand, low shrubbery, beach walking, sections of harder surface, rocky terrain.
- No shade on trail, but temperate climate and Atlantic Ocean breeze even things out.
- No drinking water on trail.
- Use general ‘bush toilet ethics’ on trail.
- Possible dangers that could be encountered: venomous snakes, spiders, scorpions, thorny vegetation, uneven terrain, heat exhaustion and exposure to wind, sun and cooking on open fire.
- Trail map and species lists are available upon request. Contact 027 877 0028/076 642 0868 – Namaqua Coastal Expeditions.
Info & Bookings
For more information about the hike, contact Rodwell Adams:
Cell: 076 642 0868
Email: info@namaquacoastal.com
Can you please change the email adress, ,to info@namaquacoastal.com and the contact number to 076 642 0868.
The other email, and tel number does not exist anymore
Thanks for the update Rodwell. The article has been corrected.